The World Has Changed
So much of our world has changed, and today on-line reviews help us make decisions about many things. Think about websites and apps that have changed how you find things differently today…
The process of finding a church has also changed. Today millions of people are using to help them decide which churches to visit.
Today when people are searching for a church, 5-star ratings and on-line reviews are a big part of the decision making process.
Pete’s Story
For anyone who has been going to church for years, it can be hard to remember what it’s really like to visit a church for the first time. Take a few minutes to watch Pete’s Story…
Millions of people are just like Pete…
- Apprehensive about visiting a church
- They begin their search on-line
- Reviews and 5-star ratings influence their decision to visit for the first time
Church Reviews Make a Difference
90% of people say their DECISIONS are influenced by ON-LINE REVIEWS*
Today it is essential that pastors and church leaders pay close attention to church reviews and the on-line reputation of the church. Does your church have a healthy reputation on-line? What are people saying about your church? Do you have a 5-star rating on, the largest on-line resource for finding a church?
#1 Website for Church Reviews
Write a church review on Church Finder® is designed to help seekers on their journey of finding a new church. Church Profiles provide the exact information people are looking for. As they evaluate churches, the 5-star ratings and reviews help them create a Favorites List of churches to visit.
Last year over 4 million seekers used to help them on their journey of finding a new church.
* Sources: Google Search Console; “Click Here to Find a Church (Maybe)” – 2015 research
study, Grey Matter Research and Consulting; Christianity Today.
“90 percent of people say their buying decisions are in fact influenced by online reviews.” Source: MarketingLand study